
Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Four-Player Mode Found Hidden in High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge

High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge, an early Saturn exclusive that shipped with a two-player mode, could have let even more people in on the fun if developer Cave enabled a four-player option that was hidden in the code until now. The four-player mode was unearthed by — who else? — Bo Bayles, who’s been probing […]


OSSC Pro Analog Video Output Board

You can now purchase the analog video output expansion board for the OSSC Pro.  This will allow you to have simultaneous HD output via HDMI and analog video output via the dsub connector of the expansion port.  This is really handy for downscaling, as you can preview (or stream!) the source via HDMI output, configure the […]


Dreamcast SCART Cable In Stock

Retro Gaming Cables has just released a new set of RGB SCART cables for the Sega Dreamcast.  These can switch between 15Khz (240p/480i) and 31KHz (480p) and include a sync-combiner designed by RetroTINK creator Mike Chi.  They’re fully compatible with all scalers, as well as Sony BVM multiformat monitors;  Those often have “sync curl” issues […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Should You Buy a SAROO Saturn Flash Cart?

The SAROO (SEGA Saturn flash cart) project by TPUinx has been building steam over the past year since our initial coverage, and many folks have picked one up to see what all the fuss is about. From the project’s initial conception a decade ago to its dormancy and revitalization, it finally came to market last […]


OSSC Pro is a POWERFUL Downscaler

Marco Retro just posted an awesome video that details the downscaling power of the OSSC Pro.  Marco also highlights the upcoming VGA-out module (EDIT, it’s out!!!), that will allow HDMI output at HD resolutions and analog output at 240p or 480i simultaneously.  He also covers lag, aspect ratio, scaling, line alignment…really, EVERYTHING you may have wanted to […]


Historic Nerd’s History Of The PlayStation

Ian aka Historic Nerd recently released a video about the history of the original PlayStation console.  While this is a story many of us may already know, Ian’s video was well-researched and offered a unique perspective on it.  I imagine even well-informed PlayStation fans would enjoy it and I definitely recommend it to anyone interested […]