Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

English Patch for Saturn RPG Arcana Strikes Is Out Now

Get ready to shuffle your deck of magic cards and save the world — an English fan translation patch for Saturn-exclusive card-battling RPG Arcana Strikes is available to download now. Team Meduza published the patch on their website Friday. For anyone having trouble accessing that site, the patch also can be downloaded from Romhack.ing. The […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Stream Saturn Games via Fenrir WiFi

On Thursday, March 6th, Ced, the creator of the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator released a the long-awaited Beta Preview Build of his WiFi SMB Firmware via the Fenrir Discord Server that finally enables stable game streaming over WiFi via an SMB network share! WARNING: This is a BETA preview build, and some folks are experiencing […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

New Satiator Menu Supports Subfolders for Multidisc Games

The creator of the Satiator released two new menus over the weekend that improve how the optical drive emulator handles folders for Saturn games that use multiple discs. Professor Abrasive uploaded Menu 70 to his device’s official wiki website Saturday. It fixes an error in how the Satiator sees subfolders within a game’s folder. “[Doesn’t] […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Eadmaster’s Princess Crown Translation Reaches Version 0.9

Eadmaster continues to make progress on his English fan translation patch for Saturn action RPG Princess Crown, updating it twice in the last month to fit more text on screen, translate signs and more. The latest version, 0.9, uploaded Feb. 16, can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub. The patch should be applied to the […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

English Patch for Mobile Suit Gundam (Saturn) Is Out Now

Get ready to defend White Base from the Principality of Zeon, Saturn fans — the English fan translation patch for Mobile Suit Gundam is finished and downloadable. The patch’s lead developer, Shadowmask, posted the patch yesterday in SegaXtreme’s Resources area. It can be applied to an original copy of the game using version 1.91 of […]

Alex Mitchell

Golden Axe – Neo Geo Port Now Available

H0ffman has knocked it out of the park once again with another Sega System 16 to NEO•GEO conversion, this time of Golden Axe. Just like their previous work with Shinobi, H0ffman has made this release compatible with every iteration of NEO•GEO hardware out there: MVS, AES, NGCD, and a every NEO•GEO flash cart on the […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Saturn Emulator Kronos 2.7 Releases, Developer Moves On

A new version of Kronos released over the holidays, but it could be its last after its main developer said he’s deprioritizing work on the Saturn emulator. Kronos 2.7 was made public Dec. 31 in a SegaXtreme thread posted by its tester, Benjamin Siskoo. It can be downloaded for 64-bit operating systems and 32-bit ones […]

Alex Mitchell

Krikzz Announces Mega Everdrive Core

Krikzz, the developer responsible for the Everdrive brand of flash-carts, has announced a new model of Everdrive for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: The Mega Everdrive Core. Pitched as a budget friendly cart, the Mega Everdrive Core loses the MegaCD/SegaCD functionality of the Pro model but also costs half as much—coming in at roughly $100USD. There […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Saturn Bomberman Fight!! English Translation Patch Is Out Now

Light your fuses, Saturn fans — the English fan translation of 3D isometric battler “Saturn Bomberman Fight!!” is finished and available to the public. Lead patch developer Malenko uploaded the patch to SegaXtreme on Christmas Eve in SSP format — its ZIP file comes with a special version of the Sega Saturn Patcher for use […]

Alex Mitchell

“Batman Returns” Demo Released for Sega Genesis

A homebrew port/demo for “Batman Returns”—a SNES exclusive 16-bit Konami beat-em-up from 1993—was released for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive this week, giving Sega fans the chance to experience it on original hardware. The team behind this port includes programmer TiagoSC, artist Gabriel Pyron, and musicians Inglebard and Vector Orbitex. The demo only contains the game’s […]