
FPGA-Based Genesis HDMI Mod

Developer Stanislav Parhomovich has just created a “hybrid emulation” HDMI mod for the model 1 Sega Genesis / Mega Drive.  This internal kit taps directly into the console’s VDP and generates a fully digital, 1080p HDMI video signal.  This is NOT simply an analog to digital upscaler mounted internally – The ‘Megaswitch HD’ works similar to Krikzz’ RGB Blaster and RetroHQ’s 7800GD, but using most of the original chips and recreating only the video output.  The audio is all generated via the (awesome!) original circuit and mixed into the HDMI-out.  This mod also retains all analog video functionality, meaning you can still use it on CRT’s!  Order info can be found in the page below:

More Information:

In my opinion, this is a really exciting mod that I think is the perfect balance between the clean signals we’ve become used to, while retaining the original functionality of the console.  Also, Stanislav has really gone above and beyond with the Genesis-focused video processing!  There’s multiple 1080p output modes, ranging from really low lag to, buffered with higher compatibility and no signal drop when changing resolutions.

Sega CD is compatible, however SMS and 32x are not.  I’m not sure why SMS output isn’t possible, but no support for 32x is completely understandable, as the mushroom turd generates its own signal, that’s then layered on top of the Genesis’ output.  Since the mod doesn’t affect the original analog video output, you can still use a 32x, just not with the HDMI-out.

Here’s the current spec list, but please check the main page for more info.

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