Rany Battikh

Sega Naomi ATX Power Adapter

After being out-of-stock for years, due to parts shortage, ATX-2-Naomi power adapters are once again available for purchase. The adapter is priced at $30 + shipping and can be ordered directly through the Arcade Projects forums. Order the ATX-2-Naomi power adapter here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/atx-2-naomi-power-adapters.5559/ The ATX-2-Naomi is a high-quality, hand crimped adapter designed to power a […]


Dreamcast Atomiswave Arcade Ports

In my latest video, I cover the technical aspects of porting Atomiswave arcade games to the Dreamcast. I cover the similarities between the two systems and what games we might look forward to. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77L4KuNpL78   Auto Amazon Links: No products found. http_request_failed: A valid URL was not provided. URL: https://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?SearchIndex=All&multipageStart=0&multipageCount=20&Operation=GetResults&Keywords=B07KPN1SM7&InstanceId=0&TemplateId=MobileSearchResults&ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US Cache: AAL_400f733cd3cc753bff8989272078db08 […]