
Lag Testing Intec Gaming’s GBA HDMI

Here’s a video proving Intec is still using the same HDMI solution with 2-3 frames of variable lag for their mods.  Which is upsetting, because EVERYTHING ELSE about this is awesome.  Let’s hope they cancel their Kickstarter and actually put some effort into getting it right ;/  If you’d like a video focusing on all the positive aspects of the kit – and everything other than the video output really is awesome – Please check out Tito’s video below.

Please think twice before giving them your money:

Here’s some other good videos on the same device:

Macho Nacho Video:
Justin’s Take:
FirebrandX Video:

…and if you’re curious about all the other stuff I mentioned in the video, here’s some links:

Warrior 64 Review:
Lag Testing Retro Scalers:
Mythbusting Display Lag:

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