
GF1 Neptune Console Revealed

GamesCare have just announced they’ll be launching their own version of Sega’s cancelled “Neptune” console:  A Genesis and 32x built into one shell that plays cartridges from both consoles.  This version will be FPGA-based and should work with all regions of Genesis/Mega Drive and 32x carts, as well as Sega Master System cartridges via an adapter.  The console will offer HDMI as well as analog video output via a Genesis 2-style MiniDIN, so you’ll have all the original functionality, as well as digital audio and video up to 1080p.  The console will also have a MicroSD slot for loading homebrew roms and even have the ability to purchase licensed games right from the console via built-in WiFi.  There’s no price or release date yet, but I have some more info below:


This is an exciting product, as Sega fans have been obsessed with the Neptune since the 90’s, with fans even manually wiring a 32x onto a Genesis and putting it in a mockup shell!  It also seems like GamesCare have given us everything we’d ask for, including the ability to connect it to a real Sega CD unit to play those games as well.  The console will be close in size to a Genesis 2, so it should fit exactly the same.  Launching of Sega CD games via MicroSD will most likely not be available at launch, but it’s something the team hopes to add in the future.  I think the ability to play 32x CD games would be pretty incredible, although the handful of those games released weren’t the best.

The embedded WiFi chip will also provide access to custom services and a store.  The goal is for creators to have an easy place to sell their indie retro games and they already showed a preview of one made exclusively to take advantage of the FPGA, called Sword Of Apocalypse – Check out the video below.  I hope to see a lot more info on this as the launch gets closer.

There’s no confirmed price or release date though, as the product is still in it’s alpha state.  This is a really ambitious project, so I’d imagine it’ll be at least a year until we’re able to purchase…but I hope I’m wrong, as I can’t wait to try one!!!

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