Welcome to RetroRGB, the site dedicated to keeping everyone up-to-date with everything the retro-gaming world has to offer!

Beginners are encouraged to check out the RGB Guide, anyone looking for console mods or technical info should go right to the Console Info & Mods section for guides, upgrade reviews and lots more!

…and of course, check out the news below and listen to the Weekly Roundup podcast that summarizes everything that’s been going on in the past week


Kytor RT5x BNC Adapter Open Sourced

Kyle from Kytor Industries has just decided to open source his “BNCtoSCART” adapter, that lets people route RGBs via BNC cables directly to the RetroTINK 5x.  This is designed for people using BNC equipment like Extron Crosspoints, or people daisy chaining their consoles from the PVM to the RT5x.  Kyle also has a few more […]


Weekly Roundup #453

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download:  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/retrorgb If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]


RetroTINK 4K CE – UK Seller

The RetroTINK 4K CE is now available from 8Bitmods in the UK.  There’s also still stock in the main US store and more stores in different regions should be carrying them soon.  Check out a basic unboxing video above if you’d like an idea of what to expect when it arrives and there’s a detailed […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

English Patch for Saturn RPG Arcana Strikes Is Out Now

Get ready to shuffle your deck of magic cards and save the world — an English fan translation patch for Saturn-exclusive card-battling RPG Arcana Strikes is available to download now. Team Meduza published the patch on their website Friday. For anyone having trouble accessing that site, the patch also can be downloaded from Romhack.ing. The […]


A REAL Sega Neptune Build

Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently built a homebrew version of the Sega Neptune, using all brand new parts, other than the proprietary Sega chips.  This was made possible by Cosam’s custom Neptune motherboard that he built by using the Sega Genesis and 32x schematics to combine them all on one motherboard, meaning this is […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

Stream Saturn Games via Fenrir WiFi

On Thursday, March 6th, Ced, the creator of the Fenrir Optical Drive Emulator released a the long-awaited Beta Preview Build of his WiFi SMB Firmware via the Fenrir Discord Server that finally enables stable game streaming over WiFi via an SMB network share! WARNING: This is a BETA preview build, and some folks are experiencing […]

PicoGUS – The $50 / €65 / £58 Sound Card That Only Does Everything

Beginning life in 2022 as “PiGUS”, a Raspberry Pi based project intended to emulate the iconic 1992 Gravis UltraSound souncard in ISA-based systems, the PicoGUS has since grown into a very impressive self contained multi-soundcard emulator supporting the following cards: Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) – the primary focus of PicoGUS, hence the name Sound Blaster 2.0 […]