
Xbox 360 Marketplace Tribute

Hey everyone, Try from My Life in Gaming here. In light of the Xbox 360 store closing, Coury thought it would be fun to take a look at what’s ended up on his Xbox 360 over the years. For longtime 360 fans, this will be a fun trip down memory lane, and for people like me who didn’t get an Xbox 360 until the Xbox One was already released, it might be a good guide for some last-minute digital purchases!

While we’re both big fans of physical media, the Xbox 360 represented an exciting time in digital distribution, and the most fun thing about this video is how you can see such a wide range of quality, scope, and scale of titles that released on the service over the years… from the early days of Xbox Live Arcade when games had to be no more than 50MB… to the wild west of the XNA platform… to full-fledged disc games being given away for free via Games With Gold (for keeps, even if your subscription lapsed!).

This was the era of horse armor and the beginnings of indie game development as we know it today. I remember when games like Castle Crashers, Splosion Man, Shadow Complex, and Bastion were such a big deal, and I can’t help but wonder if they’d just get lost in the noise today. Many long-running indie studios probably owe their success to being poised to release their first big hits digitally during this era.

The Xbox 360 marketplace closes on July 29, 2024. A ton of games are also currently on sale, for dirt cheap (like $1-$2 in a lot of cases), so watch the video to get some ideas about what you might like to have on your Xbox 360 before it’s too late!