
Artemio Launches MDFourier Audio Preservation Project

Artemio has just publicly launched a project called MDFourier that’s focused on preserving the exact original audio output of game consoles.  It works by using the 240p Test Suite software to generate a specific set of tones, which you can record with high-quality audio recording equipment.  You can then run that same software via emulation, or […]


Triple Bypass CDX Installation Instructions Added

Mobius Strip Tech has just successfully tested a Genesis Triple Bypass installation on a Sega CDX.  Installations like this are important both to document the mod itself, as well to help discover how these less-common consoles work!  Detailed pictures of the installation can be found here: We’ve also been trying to update most of the […]


Sega Triple Bypass for sale at Insurrection Industries

It looks like Insurrection Industries is the first online store to begin selling the Sega Triple Bypass board (3BP)!  Currently, the ASIC and YM2612 versions are available: For more information on the 3BP, as well as the newly re-interest of the Genesis 3 can be found here: UPDATE:  If you lift […]