
Sega Rally Documentary

Nick from PandaMonium Reviews just posted his latest epic Sega Saturn documentary – An almost five hour long deep dive into Sega Rally.  As with all of Nick’s work, it’s a complete origin story of the game, starting with the arcade version.  While these are long (just think of it as a ‘TV series’ and watch it in pieces), they’re amazing for anyone interested in video game history.  You don’t even need to be a fan of the game to appreciate it…although if you are, you’re really in for a treat!

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I’m only about halfway through and it’s been going quick.  I’ve really been drawn into the story and it was amazing to see how this all came together.  I really can’t say enough about these documentaries – If you like them as much as I do, seriously consider supporting on Patreon, cause I want to see Nick continue!

Anyway, if you’d like to hear more about Nick, his background and the story behind these documentaries, check out the interview we did awhile back – It’s available as a video below, or just search any podcast app for “RetroRGB Pandamonium”:


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