Mike Chi has just announced a cheaper, slightly stripped-down version of the RetroTINK 4K he’s calling the “CE” that will be available in early 2025. This video is an overview of what to expect, as well as how it differs from the 4K Pro.
RetroTINK CE (Coming Soon): https://retrorgb.link/retrotinkce
Other RetroTINK’s: https://www.retrorgb.com/retrotink.html
Rear S-Video / Composite Adapter: https://www.retrorgb.com/rear-composite-s-video-adapter-for-the-retrotink-4k.html
For a detailed video on what the RT4K can do, please check out my launch video below. Also, I referenced the ConsoleMods wiki in the video, so here’s the exact link to that section: https://www.consolemods.org/wiki/AV:RetroTINK-4K#Deinterlacer_and_Film