
Restoration patch released for 6-disc horror film “Grauen no Torikago” (Birdcage of Horrors) on the SEGA Dreamcast.

Download Patch   I have just released patches for all six discs of “Grauen no Torikago” (Birdcage of Horrors) on the SEGA Dreamcast. Until now, there’s been no way to experience this film (outside of captures on YouTube) due to the nature of its unique release. That is, unless of course you were in […]

Alex Mitchell

RIP: To Go Read Only, a repository for ROM hacks, translations, utilities, homebrew, and a variety of other software, will cease operations and go read-only as of August 1st, 2024. The state of affairs from this point forward will be as follows: Excluding account and profile information, RHDN and the content it hosted has been uploaded to for […]


Weekly Roundup #420

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download: If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]

Vanessa (Vanessaira)

Orpheus II ISA Soundcard End of Production

The team behind the legendary ISA soundcard known as the Orpheus II (O2) recently announced that they will begin the last production run of the Orpheus II.  Keropi who is one of the team members made the announcement on the VOGONs forums.  Where he stated that they will cease production soon as both he and […]


TapTo + Sinden Light Gun Fix

Wizzo just released an update that fixes Sinden Light Gun compatibility – Previously, you weren’t able to use the gun while the TapTo service was running, but this is now fixed.  In fact, you can even launch light gun games with your NFC card!  The fix is as simple as running theypsilon’s free Update_all script […]


MiSTer FPGA News – DE10 Nano Clones, Sunset Riders & More

Psychic 5 The Psychic core that was developed by Raki, is now part of the official MiSTer repository. For users, this means that the core will download from the official MiSTer repository instead of an external one. This change will not affect Update All users. Post : Raki Github: Raki support page: Raki Twitter:   […]


AES Neo SD Pro Back In Stock

Stone Age Gamer now has stock of the Neo SD Pro ROM cart.  This is the version for the Neo Geo AES home console, that also supports most Neo Geo CD .iso’s as well.  The price is $650 and they’ll ship right away.  More info after the links: Purchase Here: So, obviously these ROM carts […]