Ranny Snice Wallpapers
Ranny Snice released some more 4:3 wallpapers based on the following games:
Salamander & Nemesis
Castlevania The New Generation
The 16:9 version of the Castlevania wallpaper was also reworked to be without the additional screenshots and text.
- Post : https://x.com/RannySnice/status/1853482344222749113
- Post 2 : https://x.com/RannySnice/status/1856019058573066718
- Patreon : http://patreon.com/RannySnice704
TapTo is being Renamed
wizzo announced that due to some possible trademark infringement, TapTo will now be rebranded as Zapparoo!. Everything will work the same as before, only the name will be affected.
Zaparoo for the MiSTerFPGA was also updated to version 2.0.1. It is a very minor feature addition that allows uploading log files online through the Scripts GUI.
- Post : https://x.com/wizzomafizzo/status/1856709341371646020
- Version 2.0.1 : https://x.com/wizzomafizzo/status/1855086905903530332
Atari Jaguar
Developer GreyRogue (Kitrinx, ElectronAsh, Torlus ) released some update test builds for the Atari Jaguar core that improve compatibility. These test builds are available on the MiSTer FPGA discord and also require dual SDRAM setups.
Faster update_all Updates
User MarcNuermberger on reddit posted a way to speed up your updates when running the update_all script and accessing archive.org. Basically, if you add your Internet Archive login details to the .profile file on the root Linux account, you can enjoy these faster updates.
Check the reddit post for the full instructions.
- Reddit post : https://www.reddit.com/r/MiSTerFPGA/comments/1gpizp0/login_to_archiveorg_with_update_all/
- Reddit post 2 : https://www.reddit.com/r/MiSTerFPGA/comments/1gpizp0/comment/lwyxshj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Ironclad Plus Lite QMTech & MiSTer Pi
The Mini ITX IronClad Lite has been revised to support all FPGA boards compatible with the MiSTer FPGA software. So if you want a MiSTerFPGA setup that fits inside a small computer case, or any computers case, QMTech and MiSTer Pi owners can now use the Ironclad Lite.
d3fmod is also offering internal MT32 Pi Hats designed for the QMTech board and another that works with both the MiSTer Pi and DE10 Nano.
Finally d3fmod is now offering SNAC adapters for Neo Geo, Playstation, Saturn, Genesis, SNES, NES, and Playstation.