
“Dreamcase” Dreamcast Replacement Shell

The Behar Bros and TR Fight Stick have opened up pre-orders on an a brand new shell for the Dreamcast that’s designed to support both the DCHDMI and GDEMU!  At $150 with no disc support, this is definitely a niche product, but still one that I think many people might be interested in.

The insides look interesting, with a DreamPSU powering the console and an SD extension board allowing access to the GDEMU from the rear of the case, eliminating most needs to open it.  They claim they’ve fully tested this configuration for heat and it’s proven to perform very well.

The rear port shows off all the I/O, including HDMI port for the DCHDMI, SD card slot, power and push button for GDEMU access.  It’s also another good look at the automotive-quality paint job!  There doesn’t appear to be options for multiple colors, so I believe silver is the only choice at the moment.

Overall, if you’re looking into (or own) a similarly configured Dreamcast and either want to preserve your original case or replace a beat-up one, this seems like a really interesting choice.

You can pre-order yours from either the Behar Bros or TR Fight Stick:

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