
Analogue Pocket Back In Stock May 10th

Analogue has just announced their FPGA-based handheld console will be back in stock this Friday the 10th at 11AM NYC time.  The pocket, Dock and Pocket-to-Pocket Link Cable will all be re-stocked at that time and should ship within a few days.  Lots of other accessories, including the cartridge adapters are still in stock from last time and should ship immediately as well.

Purchase Here:

I’ve always thought the Pocket to be an excellent way to play handheld games and with OpenFPGA, you can even load quite a few community-made cores.  It’s good to see it back in stock at the same price as last time.

It would be nice to get an update on the N64 console they’re working on though.  Unless I missed something, there’s still no price, or even an expected date other than “2024”.  Oh well, one step at a time I guess…

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