
MiSTer FPGA News – DE10 Nano Successor? DE10 Nano Alternatives, Arcade Cores & More

Genesis MIDI Core

ModalModule released a core that turns the MiSTerFPGA in a MIDI module that runs off the Sega Genesis/Megadrive’s sound chip. You can either use MIDI devices over USB, DIN, UDP or grab a GamePad to play music. All 10 voice channels are supported. Check out the GitHub for all the cores capabilities.



Anton Gale has been releasing hardware schematics for the Atari published Kangaroo arcade game. Recently, schematics for the I/O hardware were shown and there was also a post that shows schematics for the sound hardware.


QMTech Case Kit by Antonio Villena

Antonio Villena is selling a case kit for QMTech’s MiSTer compatible FPGA boards. The kit comes in at 99 euros.

-The kit has an IO board that can output 24bit analog video.
-Everything is house in acryllic covers
-USB hub with 6 ports
-DB9 joystick port, that can also be used for SNAC
-SPDIF optical through 3.5mm connector
-RGB Fan cooler
-And more. Get the full details in the product page.


DE10 Nano Successor?

During the RetroRGB Panel at RetroWorld Expo, we get an idea on where the MiSTer FPGA project might be heading in terms of new hardware. The upcoming DE25 Nano by Terasic was discussed. This new board will be able to handle higher clock speeds that will benefit the AO486 and Amiga cores. There is some communication by MiSTer developers with Terasic requesting certain things to implement, but it’s up to Terasic to decide on implementing any requests.


MiSTer Organize

The MiSTer Organize project is a collection of DATs containing A-Z folders to sort your games alphabetically for easy use. This can come in handy for users with large libraries. Check out the link to obtain these DAT’s and instructions on how to use the project.


Taki Udon MiSTer Products

Taki Udon launched the website for his MiSTer products. All items are currently listed as “Out of Stock”. It was expected for people to purchase the products over the weekend, however, the RAM sticks Taki recieved do not properly attribute Sorg, who is the original designer. Taki decided to delay the launch of all products until this is rectified. A solution that was discussed with Sorg is applying stickers to the chips that show the proper attribution. After that is done the products are expected to go on sale.


MiSTercade V2

MiSTerCade version 2 kits are now available for sale at MiSterAddons. These kits allow you to have a MiSTerFPGA setup connected to a JAMMA arcade cabinet. Here is what’s new in version 2:

-24-Bit Video Output
-Enhanced Control Interface
-Improved Coin Counter Circuit
-Integrated Breakout Headers
-HDMI DAC with Dual SDRAM Support & More


QMTech IO Boards and Cases

QMTech has begun selling IO boards and cases for their DE10 Nano clones. They sold out fast, but do say that stock will be renewed on a daily basis.

The price for the QMTech IO board alone is $25.90.
And if you want to get the IO board and case it’ll be 29.90.
Those boards also do NOT support 24bit analog video through VGA.


Ultimate MiSTer QMTech IO Board and Aluminum Case

Ultimate MiSTer is creating an IO Board and aluminum case specifically designed for the QMTech boards. I believe it’s still in development, which is why we are only seeing some renders.



TapToRandomize version 0.3.0 is now out. This update brings with it an automated setup process, and the ability to add it to update_all . It can also find base ROMs automatically, but that my take a while to run.

TapToRandomize is a way of having your MISTerFPGA automatically generate ROM hacks that have different attributes randomized from the original ROMs. For example, you can randomize what boss you will fight at the end of a level, randomize enemy behavior, change the location of items to a random location and so much more.


Circus Charlie

Jotego released a core for the arcade game Circus Charlie by Konami. In this game you control a clown name Charlie through several circus themed mini games.


Neo Geo Pocket Color

Jotego also updated us on the Neo Geo Pock Color core. He says that games boot but most of them present problems. However, Metal Slug 1 seems to be working fine. Jotego is aware of the core’s problems and asks not to report any bugs for the time being.