
DE10-Nano vs QMTech’s Clone

What’s Ken Making recently posted a video comparing the original DE-10 Nano we’ve been using for the MiSTer project, to QMTech’s alternative board.  Ken covered everything in detail, including the bundled PSU.  Overall, it seems like the original DE-10 is a better choice for use as a development tool, but gamer simply using the board to run MiSTer cores shouldn’t see any difference whatsoever.

Obviously it’ll take more time to find any differences and some people reported issues with the HDMI output compatibility, but videos like this really raise my confidence level in this board.  I love that people like Ken are starting to take a closer look and am looking forward to seeing what kits the community creates for it.  Please watch the video above for more info and also check out the RetroRGB MiSTer page for lots more info on the MiSTer FPGA project:

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