
Complete SNES Doom Source Code Released

Floppy disk source code backups made by SNES Doom creator Randy Linden were recently found and uploaded to  While portions of this code were actually released a few years ago, this is everything including modem code and assets, confirmed by Randy himself.  The disks were originally created using Amiga’s HDBackup (BRU); Disk 3 of the main set was corrupt, but the person who obtained them was able to repair it.  Here’s the link, with more info (including the MVG video covering it) below:

Download Here:

This is a really cool piece of history and an interesting find for any SNES programmers.  While SNES Doom is already very well coded, I’m curious if dev’s can use some of Randy’s tricks and knowledge to create some interesting homebrew!  Either way, this is a win for video game history preservation!

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