
MiSTer Capcom CPS-1 Arcade & ArduBoy FPGA Cores

Jotego has been releasing beta versions of his MiSTer & MiST Capcom CPS-1 Arcade FPGA cores to his patrons, allowing fans to dive into the largely unported CPS-1 library. Each week he has brought a few new games to the core, and he intends to support the entire CPS-1 library. The core is currently private, […]


MiSTer Popeye & Commando Arcade FPGA Cores by Jotego

Jotego released Popeye and Commando arcade FPGA cores to his patrons, for both MiSTer and MiST. Both cores are open-source and will be made publicly available once complete. I debuted them live and found Popeye to be especially impressive. It is a very early application of interlaced graphics, which looks a little strange via HDMI, but […]


1942 Arcade FPGA MiSTer & MiST Cores by Jotego

Jose “Jotego” Tejada, who ported the Ghosts ‘n Goblins Arcade PCB to FPGA a few weeks back, just finished a 1942 Arcade core for MiSTer & MiST. Once again, he used the black box method to translate the arcade PCB into Verilog. Verilog & VHDL are hardware description languages, and are also the languages used […]