Ray Commend

MiSTer SNES Core released to the Public

The Master of Cores, “MC” Sorgelig released three new updates to the MiSTer project.  Of the three, the most interesting one is the first public release of the SNES core.  This port of srg320’s FpgaSnes core is still very early and users will experience bugs.  To install, simply go here and download the .rbf onto your sd card.  To play your ROMS, simply create a SNES folder and drop your .SCF/.SMC/.BIN files into it. Unfortunately, this core requires the sdram board, though that could change with later builds.

You’ll need the updated Main Mister core update as well as it adds SNES support.  Finally, the Gameboy_Mister core always shows that it was updated, but as of the time of this article, the releases folder does not reflect the update.

For additional info, please visit the following thread: Link

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