Welcome to RetroRGB, the site dedicated to keeping everyone up-to-date with the absolute best that the retro-gaming world has to offer!

Beginners are encouraged to check out the RGB Guide, to get an idea of what to expect and a basic explanation of some of the more confusing terms (like, what is RGB anyway!?).

Anyone looking for console mods or technical info on consoles should go right to the Console Info & Mods section that has audio and videos mods for most of the major consoles…as well as reviews, alternatives to mods and lots more!

…and of course, anyone looking for the latest news and announcements in the retro-gaming community can check the news page and listen to the Weekly Roundup podcast that summarizes everything that’s been going on in the past week

This site and all the intense work that goes into running it, is primarily supported by Patreon donations. If you found anything here useful and want to keep this site alive, please consider becoming a Patreon subscriber and automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for a fun giveaway!