
Last Chance: Transparent Purple NES Shell

After some production delays, Retro Game Restore has just received final versions of the purple transparent shell, for front-loading NES consoles.  I just received one and it was absolutely worth the wait – This shell came out beautiful and it even comes with matching purple vent covers!  RGR announced that this will be the only run of purple shells, so if you wanted one, now’s the only time to order.  Stock is still incoming, but they should be shipping to customers within a month or so:

Direct from RGR:
Via Rondo (select color from the drop-down):

Usually when I get a pre-production shell from RGR, it’s non-polished and only meant to test the mold.  Essentially, it’s good, but the final production runs are always better.  Even though I’m used to seeing the differences between pre-production and official shells, I have to say, this is a BIG difference from the prototype I tested with Russ Lyman (which I already liked!).  I was absolutely blown away when I took it out of the box!

The pictures I took really don’t do it justice:  It’s everything you’d want from a transparent shell, in a really cool shade of purple.  Remember these also have a notch for a SNES multi-out, so you can use it with a NESRGB, or even repurpose that area from a lumacode mod!  Hopefully I can get one of those in soon and livestream the installation into this case:

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