
Neo Geo Architecture Analysis

Rodrigo Copetti recently published his latest full console analysis, this time for the Neo Geo.  As with his previous work,  Rodrigo goes into a deep-dive of the hardware and how the console can generate its signals.  That’s a really unfair oversimplification of what Rodrigo’s work is about – If you haven’t read his stuff before, absolutely give this a read!

Check it out here:

Also, Rodrigo’s work is now available as eBooks!  Don’t worry, EVERYTHING is still 100% free via the website, however if you’d like to support this work and have an easy to read, DRM-free document on your eReader, consider purchasing!  Links are in the post above and here’s a page with all the links:

…and if you’d like to know more about how Rodrigo does these analysis, check out the podcast we did awhile back:  Simply search any app for “RetroRGB Rodrigo”, or check out the video here:

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