Exploring CCPS and the CPS Arcade Platform: Emulation Challenges and Audio Analysis

I’ve been intending to discuss CCPS here on Retro RGB for some time, but I hesitated until I gained some hands-on experience. CCPS is an SDK created by Fabien Sanglard for the renowned Capcom CPS arcade platform—the one featuring games like Final Fight, Ghouls’n Ghosts, Strider, and, of course, Street Fighter II, among others. Fabien […]

Rany Battikh

Sega Naomi ATX Power Adapter

After being out-of-stock for years, due to parts shortage, ATX-2-Naomi power adapters are once again available for purchase. The adapter is priced at $30 + shipping and can be ordered directly through the Arcade Projects forums. Order the ATX-2-Naomi power adapter here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/atx-2-naomi-power-adapters.5559/ The ATX-2-Naomi is a high-quality, hand crimped adapter designed to power a […]

SaturnDave (Sega Saturn, SHIRO!)

SEGA’s TGA 2023 Live Premier Stuns Fans

Last night, SEGA sent a massive SHOCKWAVE across social media platforms with their ‘POWER SURGE: SEGA REVEAL TRAILER – TGA 2023’ live premier! Fans were absolutely buzzing about this megaton BOMB of an announcement: Several classic and beloved SEGA franchises are making a comeback via and handful of series reboots currently in development. POWER SURGE: […]

Rany Battikh

USB2DB15 new batch and updates

Pre-orders are now open for a new batch of USB2DB15 controller adapters. The USB2DB15 project was first launched by developer Raph_friend in 2020 as a DYI solution for arcade enthusiasts looking to adapt modern USB arcade sticks/controllers to most superguns with DB15 controller ports. Since then, different contributors have jumped on board and updates, in […]

Rany Battikh

Decathlete now running on Darksoft’s STV Multi

The game Decathlete (known as Athlete Kings in Europe) is now running on Darksoft‘s rom-cart for the Sega Titan Video (ST-V) arcade system, the STV Multi. Back in late 2016, Darksoft decrypted and released 5 of the 6 remaining protected ST-V games for the STV Multi. Only one game has remained encrypted since then, and […]

Retro Kevin

Wonder Boy Collection coming to Switch and PS4

InIn games and developer/publisher United Games are releasing a Wonder Boy Collection for the Switch and Playstation 4. There will actually be two different versions of this collection; a limited edition release that includes the entire* series of Wonder Boy games and a regular retail and digital release that only includes four games. Even though […]


Jasen’s Customs CPS3 metal enclosure pre-order (Final Run)

Jasen Hicks is opening up one last pre-order for his CPS3 metal enclosure! After a successful last run of his CPS2 enclosure, Jasen’s back at it one last time for CPS3 owners. Priced at $149.95 and $20.00 world-wide shipping costs. (More images available below) Again, JasensCustoms.com isn’t reopening but has opened up a pre-order for the […]


New Dreamcast Atomiswave Arcade Ports – Unreleased Fighters: KenJu & Force Five

We have been following Megavolt85’s efforts to convert Atomiswave Arcade games to run natively on the Dreamcast. Recently he released ports of two unreleased Atomiwave figthing games: KenJu and Force Five. KenJu combines cel shaded 3D graphics with 2D gameplay, and plays similarly to Rival Schools. Force Five is a 3D fighter later became Jingi […]