I just posted a detailed review of Dan Kunz’ Wii Dual kit – A ZERO LAG internal mod that ads an HDMI output, as well as RGB output to the Nintendo Wii. This is not a ‘converter’, it’s a true digital-to-digital upgrade using Unseen’s GCVideo solution that provides the best possible signal from a Wii.
Kits will be available for purchase later this month at https://shop.dansprojects.com
For updates please follow Dan on twitter https://twitter.com/citrus3000psi
More info and screenshots here: http://retrorgb.com/wiidual.html
More info and screenshots here: http://retrorgb.com/wiidual.html
This mod does require cutting, but you can get some awesome replacement cases for it! Why not preserve your original plastic and enjoy the look of a Clear Wii case?: https://xcm.cc/pages/replacement-case-for-wii-console-ii-case
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If you’re interested in other things Dan’s been working on, I interviewed him at his home lab a few months ago: