If you’re handy with an iron (the soldering variety) and have wanted a handheld MiSTer FPGA, you’re now in luck! A step-by-step build video for the DIY MiSTer Handheld, Model 01 (DMH-01) is now available. In this 45-minute video, I walk you through the entire process of building your own from start to finish.
I have to warn you, though – this build isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires some board cutting, trace soldering, and careful wiring to bring the MiSTer experience into the palms of your hands. On top of that, there are also some limitations with this build that you may not be OK with – so make sure you watch the overview video, as well as this build video before deciding to take it on.
If this project is a little beyond reach for you, don’t worry! Stay tuned, because there are some interesting developments in the works for Model 02. Among those are vast improvements in the build process (a solder-less experience), display choice, controller layout options, and much more. Keep an eye out on my channel, What’s Ken Making, as well as RetroRGB over the coming weeks as things progress